Butterfly in Bangladesh .

In our day to day life we are experiencing new kinds of things. Butter fly is one of them .To speak the truth its life is different .So it’s very nice because flower, trees other location its beauty very nice. I like this butterfly. So I believe these words everyman like this butterfly.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kingfisher in Bangladesh.

 Kingfisher in Bangladesh .


Corporal appearance: widespread Kingfisher is 17 cm in distance end to end and weighs around 30- 34 g. Their wingspan is 30 inches extended. Their underparts are bright orange in color with the pallid bib. Their wings are bluish bottle green and the conclusion is brilliant blue in color. They have cerulean cranium with the white blot on either side of it. They have little legs which are tinted in carroty. The wings and tails are small while the bill is extended and piercing.

Presence in Bangladesh : Common Kingfisher is mostly found in the condition of Haryana in In Bangladesh familiar Kingfisher can in addition be spotted in the Corbett National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park and Sundarbans National Park in Bangladesh.

Habitat : frequent Kingfisher prefers to live near streams, slow flowing rivers, ponds and lakes.
Diet : Ordinary kingfisher feeds on water insect, small fish and prawns. They mostly hunt during the morning or evening hours.

Reproduction: widespread Kingfisher typically friend during the spring period. Males attempt to pull towards you the females with the fish in their beaks. The females lay 6 – 7 eggs. spawn are incubated for about 20 days. Fledging era rests from 23 -27 days. They do-not build nests; they set their eggs on a waste of fish frame and disgorged pellet. Both the males and females bring foodstuff for the youthful ones and get care of them. youthful ones are somewhat cobalt to light red in color. Most of the Kingfishers are defensive.

Protection rank : Least concern. They are present in large information. They are usually establish near the stream, lake and pound. Their inhabitants has seriously declined due to the cold weather.

Lifespan: The natural life is of 7 years.

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