Butterfly in Bangladesh .

In our day to day life we are experiencing new kinds of things. Butter fly is one of them .To speak the truth its life is different .So it’s very nice because flower, trees other location its beauty very nice. I like this butterfly. So I believe these words everyman like this butterfly.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Elephants in Bangladesh .

Wild Elephants in Bangladesh

Don't let the sun set on Bangladesh's elephants
Bangladesh's elephants may be the most threat ends in Asia.
 Unapproachable to human such as the out-of-the-way Chittagong Hill tracts or countrywide parks of which Himchari countrywide commons and the Mainimukh and Pablakhali natural world sanctuary are protected area.
The main intimidation to the undomesticated elephants are
1. Habitat loss and fragmentation - Bangladesh's person inhabitants has explode over the past 30 years and the competition for land is intense even more so since just about 30% of the country floods during torrential rain period.
2. shortage of fodder - related to the above point but also an indication of problems that happen during the dry time of year when natural food sources become more easier said than done to find. Elephant fodder represent only 14% of the total local deposit variety.
3. concerned Corridors - A 2001-2003 IUCN schoolwork found that there were 15 imperative elephant corridor in Bangladesh involving the native elephants and wandering populations from India and Myanmar.
The above factor have had a serious consequence on human elephant relations. In 2001-02 elephants caused a total of US$500,000 injure to crops, buildings and other belongings. They also killed 39 people and injured 157 others. Seven elephants died over the same period.
Bangladesh is an exceptionally poor country and the government does not have the resources to successfully administer the conservation of wildlife. There are practically no active conservation project in Bangladesh.

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